
Rigging - LLM interaction framework

Marque - Experimental python workflows

Parley - TAP Jailbreaking implementation

Research - General research code

Counterfit - CLI AI red team tool for ML systems

Proof Pudding - Proofpoint model extraction attack

Koppeling - Adaptive DLL hijacking / dynamic export forwarding

sRDI - Convert DLLs to position independent shellcode

Deep Drop - Machine learning enabled dropper

Charcuterie - Collection of code execution techniques for ML systems

Minibus - Power Platform remote code execution


Offensive Machine Learning - Apres Con [slides / notebooks]


Ghosts on the Node [slides]

Zen and the Art of Adversarial Machine Learning [slides / talk]

Screendoors on Battleships [slides]

Counterfit: Attacking Machine Learning in Blackbox Settings [slides]

It Is The Year 2000, We Are Robots [slides]

Flying A False Flag [slides]

42: The Answer to Life the Universe, and Everything Offensive Security [slides]

Scheming With Machines [slides]